31 July 2008
more quilts.
A baby quilt to be sold on Etsy - I collected dozens of pink and white prints back in my pink phase in my early twenties, cut out an entire queen sized quilt's worth of 4" finished square-in-a-square blocks, and promptly put them away in a bin and ignored them. that's a heckuva lot of triangles. I sewed some of them together and alternated the blocks with a solid pale pink. I'm going to quilt it on the diagonal, I think it is going to be really cute. My mom offered to sew the rest of the blocks together if I wanted to make it bigger, but I am so over the idea of having an all pink quilt on MY bed, and did I mention that's a crapload of triangles? I'll save the blocks for future baby quilts instead.
This is the quilt I made based on Thomas' pictures from Cinque Terre, which I blogged about ages ago. It's finally all together, and I went to my parents' house last night to sandwich it and my dad FLIPPED OUT and immediately started calling it his and bought it on the spot - he even made me do the binding HIS way "to preserve the artistic integrity". Whatever, Dad. It's pretty awesome though. I really love the way it turned out. Plus it's pretty cool because even though my dad always likes to see the quilts I make, he seems kind of bored by them because they have been pretty traditional and he's such an expansive artist he wants to see more art quilts. So here ya go, Dad.
This is a wholecloth quilt that I was going to make for my mom for Mother's Day because I have this red quilt on my couch that she keeps hinting about and I'm afraid she's going to steal it one day. I saw these fabrics in the spring and really liked them together - I had a couple of other fabrics picked out but kept coming back to these, even though they're really weird colors. The inner border (and the future binding too) is a really cool purple stripe, and the outer border is butterscotch flowers on a tan background with purple leaves. I picked up a butterscotch solid for the backing when I didn't have this with me and it turned out to be perfect when I brought it home. I was going to keep it a secret from my mom but she got all excited about it when I laid it out so I had to tell her. Also I am bad at keeping minor secrets. Anyway, I meant to have it done for her for Mother's day but there was the Roses & Rosemary auction and a bunch of other stuff, so I didn't get it done. She knows I love her anyway.
28 July 2008
sewing blitz
08 July 2008
hey y'all
I llooooooovvvve it. It's a color study for a quilt I'm making that was inspired by Orla Kiely's stem print (and Joanie), and it's a perfect cheery summery baby quilt. I'm hand quilting it in Xs across the white (well, slightly creamy) squares. It's awesome. It's 40" square and I think I'll list it for $175. Reasonable, yes? The only bummer - which I didn't notice until I had started quilting it and you can't even really tell in this photo - is that all six of the tangerine colored squares are squished over on the right side. So much for random placement.
ANYway. Hope you all are well. Enjoy the summer, it's finally nice!
Love, mcnabbs.