13 January 2007

it should be against the law to feel this good

hey guys!

it's saturday afternoon and i'm slowly easing back into real life. it's really strange to be away from my overseas friends and i miss them already. also there are a very few sad things happening to a couple of dear friends, which is unfortunate. but nevertheless, i am all of a sudden in a TERRIFIC mood!

i saw a ton of my seattle friends yesterday, at work and afterwards, and it was so nice! my work associates seemed quite happy to have me back (i must do a good job!) and after work we went to von's and there were some guys there i haven't seen in months so that was fun too. then monica graciously drove everyone and their mother home and i fell into bed early again. this morning i got up early and had the pleasure of chatting to folpmer for a few hours, and neil too! god bless the internet.

then i went to the store because the entire contents of my fridge were beer, wine, champagne, diet pepsi, mustard, and salad dressing. tasty, but it does not a breakfast make. so i went to the store and purchased all manner of delicious and healthy foods. i am pretty proud of myself for the good choices i made today. now it's snowing and i am all cosy and warm inside, hanging out with the cat and eating fresh homemade coleslaw abby-style (sans mayo - really it's just cabbage with a sesame ginger dressing). then later monica and ani are coming over and we'll make tortellini soup and have delicious soup and wine and go to the bowl & skate for 80s night. how could it possibly get any better than this?

tomorrow i'm going to my parents' house for a homecoming brunch, which is adorable, and then i'll have the afternoon to do whatever i want. then back to the grind - the project i'm on at work is going to be insane starting monday i think. i do love a challenge though.

so, life is good, as usual. there are some things that will be hard in the near future but as the proverb says, "the gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials." so 2007 is off to a fantastic start so far and i can't wait to see what the year holds. should be good.


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