20 November 2007


it's midnight on a tuesday and i've been doing nothing since 9 pm (when i told myself to go to bed for the first time) but knitting and drinking tea. nothing i need to be awake for. this is like the 1000th night in a row, why can't i just go to bed?

midnight. rrrrgh.

16 November 2007


gosh, i'm excited. another weekend where i'm broke and have a zillion projects but no plans and i can just kick it around the house and then get mad at myself on monday.

haha, wait. ok. so that's probably what's going to happen, but i'm not going to be mad about it. i'm having a good life.

this morning i was upstairs getting coffee in the breakroom and my dad walked in so i said hello - and he was with the CUTEST older Indian gentleman ever. my pops introduces me and says this is Kumar, and Kumar, five feet nothin, coke bottle glasses, grabs my hand with both of his and says "You are as beautiful as your father!" with a warm smile. it's that sort of thing that really makes life great. wonnnnnderful people.

i've found a couple of new websites recently:
http://www.outblush.com/ and its brother site http://www.uncrate.com/

check em out. do it.

i am crushing hardcore on felted stuff this season. check out etsy soon to see if i got my shit together and put felted stuff on there. like felted bowls! i made this one for myself and it's glorious, and it's home to my safety pins for quilting. there are a ton of them on etsy for $20 or so, but on roseandradish.com they have some for like $95. i think i can find the happy medium.

speaking of etsy, i sold a bag today! yaaaayyyy!

current wishes:
-red ipod nano now $50 less AND with video
-flor carpet tiles instead of that shit i have now
-stickers for my bakery boxes (gotta design those)
-brown shoes. any kind of brown shoes, period. really.

so today i get to have lunch with my SAM peeps AND go out to the jobsite for a tour AND go to a cocktail party. GOOD DAY.


12 November 2007

Things I Love

Hey guys.

Time is going REALLY fast this year. OH NO I AM GETTING OLD. Whatever. Anyway, sorry it's been a month since I blogged. Not that anyone reads this.

I've been thinking of stuff I love:

-My red KitchenAid mixer. It's just plain awesome. I only wish I had better dishwashing skillz or a thousand bowls and paddle attachments so I don't have to wash it every day.

-Madagascar bourbon vanilla extract. Makes everything better.

-Nutmeg also makes everything better. It's my secret ingredient. Shh.

-Scrabulous via facebook. I'm addicted.

-Christmas. You already know I love it but I'm getting SO EXCITED.

-the pink bakery boxes I just got. You know the kind I'm talking about, like Remo Borrachini's has, or every other awesome bakery, you just know you're going to get something good when you open it.

-a clean house, not that this ever happens. I wish I wasn't such a slob.

-Finishing projects. Again, this doesn't happen, I'm not a finisher - but when I do, it's awesome.

-Monica's new wardrobe. We shopped for a solid six hours yesterday and she got a glorious assortment of fantastic basics - mostly sweaters and pants, and a dress and a skirt. She's going to look so hot all winter (not that she didn't before, but this is all class).

Things I don't love:

-my adult intermittent-acne problem. NOT AWESOME. I was going to wear something nice today but I got up and had a huge red zit on my forehead and was all bloated and my cheek is puffy from some undetermined-but-likely-expensive dental problem, so I'm in jeans and sneakers. greeeat.

-the free internet I was stealing from someone nearby with an unsecured wireless connection suddenly pooped out yesterday. I tried rebooting to no avail - and the network still says it's unsecured and has five bars, and the device says it's working properly. Clearly there is some miscommunication because it actually ISN'T working properly.

-traffic in this town. I could say so much about it, but I take public transportation when I can, and when I do have to drive BECAUSE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION WON'T GET ME WHERE I WANT TO GO the roads are packed. Don't think I don't vote for this shit, because I sure do. I'm happy to pay extra taxes to save time in the car. I'm just pissed at everyone else in this goddamned town.

-having spent all weekend slumming when I could have been productive. Boooo.

-how blogger says "remember me on this computer" and then it doesn't remember me. Am I the only one this happens to?

So other than that, I'm doing fine. Still trying to finish up some quilting projects before Christmas, and maybe get my house cleaned once or twice... work is fine, money is tight, love life is nonexistent. The usz.

