28 July 2006

oh man

it's 7:32 am on a friday. not only am i AWAKE but i am already showered, dressed, commuted, caffeinated, and AT WORK. this is absurd. i usually have not even completed step 1 (waking up) by 7:30. and don't think for a second that this will become a habit. i used to love mornings but somewhere in my early twenties i developed an allergy. it's kind of sad but what are you going to do?

i'm up early on purpose today, arriving before the elevators in the building are even unlocked so hopefully i can skip out around 3 pm, go home, pack, get all my brother's crap from his house, pick up the cooler and tent from my parents' house, hope to science that my brother finishes whatever he has to do by 5 pm and skeeedaddle out of town. we're going camping in oregon with some cousins, we went last year and it was a blast. i'm just annoyed at my brother because he knew he had a deadline, and the weekend trip planned, and the last few days he's been doing social things after work instead of staying late to finish the project. normally i wouldn't say a single thing about it because that's my general m.o. too but this time it's affecting MY plans because he thinks he might not even get out of here till 6... and we've got a five hour drive AND a tent to set up (in the dark thanks) AND beer to drink before everyone else goes to bed. 5 hours of weekend traffic, my brother and i in a car with no stereo (also his bad - he said he'd install it for me) is not my ideal way to start a camping trip.

that's enough bitching. i'm going to get some stuff done before i have to get some stuff done.
i hope you have a fantastic day.

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