20 December 2006

happy birthday to both jim and brian's mum

hey guys! i forgot to put up this awesome photo i took while barhopping in Edinburgh last weekend. leave one bar, trot down the road on your way to the next, look to your right - hey! a castle!

so today was a gorgeous day. i went down to the river (it's tidal up to about Perth - smelled like the ocean, YUM) to check on the flood levels - it went way down just a day or two after i got here and now it seems to be at pretty normal levels but now you can see the extent of the flooding. see, branches were stuck in the artworks here:

and here is the flood wall on the left hand side, which was entirely covered up in the middle when we were down at the park last thursday night, you can see the darker areas of leaves where the river washed them up; the brighter green spots were all covered in water.

this last photo is from the other side of the riverbank, you can see the wall on the other side. see where the guy in the red coat is standing? he's standing at the bottom of the previous picture - entirely submerged in last week's flood.

that's about it for now. finishing up christmas shopping tomorrow then back to edinburgh on friday.




Anonymous said...

"oh hey look, a castle" - awesome. Lose the net access after today so build up a good backlog o stories for when I get back, must have something interesting to do at work.

Anonymous said...

No posts this weekend, eh?
Merry Christmas!