07 January 2009

Happy New Year!

Hey guys!

I had a pretty fun new year - big roses & rosemary party (for which I provided baked goods and oceans of cheese) and then up to Whistler for the weekend with a couple of friends to visit my brother (did I tell you he's living there for the winter? bastard). I left my car at my parents' house for the weekend while I was up there and when I came back there had been a fire... inside the car. yep. This is the second time in 4 years that I have had a fire in my car. I have bad fire/car karma apparently.

My hopes for the new year are high but not unreasonable:
-do not buy lunch at work unless I have a lunch date and am going out. this involves cooking the night before or keeping pb&j in the fridge. this relates to:
-cook more. it's cheaper and healthier and funner. yes i said funner.
-travel more. this should be doable with all the money i'll save from cooking - and maybe even from not getting another car if i can hold out long enough.
-be more active. yeah, this includes going to the gym, but also bike more, hike more, play outside more. again, funner.
-finish more quilts. i'm hoping for 1 a month. also i'd like to blog about them, with pictures. and finish UFOs. and make lots of stash quilts because my stash is ooc.

so in summary, i want what i always want - be healthier and live my life to the fullest.

Here's hoping your new year brings you everything you wish for too-

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